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Digital Marketing: 05 Secrets Followed by only Brands Like MCD and KFC


How do the seasoned businesses like MCD or KFC create their hype in this digital arena? They have their food ads everywhere, and undeniably, a lot of people love the food! But why are these brands successful? What strategy do they use to market themselves? Although, we know that they usually use the power of digital channels to market themselves! But what distinguishes them from a normal digital marketing agency?

Though, there are many tactics that a reliable digital marketing course in Karachi teaches to the students. However, their specific strategy that they use stands above all. Furthermore, digital marketing is very cheap compared to other marketing strategies. Which is why, most of the businesses prefer using it to reach millions of people daily over the Internet. Now, combining all these perspectives, there is a huge scope of digital marketing in Pakistan. Because there is no business that can make its digital personality without entering the digital cosmos.

In this blog, you will learn about how you can make your poor marketing strategy fine. And how you can transform your marketing strategy using McDonald and KFC 5 Secrets of Digital Marketing. But we will try to use simple phrases. So, you may get the comprehensive idea of how you can leverage it for yourself.

What is Digital Marketing?

Before we begin, let’s first grab the complete understanding of what digital marketing is. In this way, it will be easier for you to understand the technical marketing strategies of MCD and KFC? Not to mention that, digital marketing has become a prior expertise. Something that allows businesses to share their products and services on the digital world connecting to their audience online. This involves showing advertisements on websites and social media networks to engage and educate people. For this, businesses use multiple social media platforms, email marketing, SEO, PPC, and more.

To explain it further, you don’t need a digital marketing course in Lahore; instead, you need to know that it’s a strategy that brands (McDonalds and KFC) use to share their message online. So, it could easily reach their target audience. They educate and convince in a way how people should connect to themselves. Now, see the 5 simple secrets they are using. And analyze how they use it to attract their audience. Though, this is something that usually a reliable digital marketing agency applies in their strategy. However, as you are reading this post. So, we will help you learn the tactics of data analytics courses as well. Which will make you analyze the data and realize how bigger the scope of digital marketing in Pakistan is. As a result, you will be able to leverage its power and transform any business sales.

1.    Making Appealing and Fun Ads

One of the biggest secrets of McDonalds and KFC is making an appealing and fun ad to enjoy. Furthermore, a true buzz in the digital world could grab your attention immediately with these ads. The ultimate example is a simple video of KFC and McDonalds. When they show you a picture of a meaty burger or fried chicken which looks so delicious that your stomach starts to growl. That’s the moment, you wanna buy it right away and satisfy your cravings.

They even use short clips in their ads to demonstrate the prepared food – and people eating it. Thus, these kinds of short videos are very appealing and easy to watch.

·         Why This Works

Bright and colorful visual-based videos are people’s priority choice. Furthermore, when food looks delicious, people are more likely to crave for it. In this way, these brands catch your attention through these ads and make you order suddenly and feed your cravings.

2.    Talking to People on Social Media

Another strategy that McDonald’s and KFC perfectly relies upon on social medias is how people share their thoughts after eating it. Apart from that, there use a huge digital marketing agency who share pictures and videos with questions to keep their Instagram and Facebook engaged. For instance, McDonalds may share a pic of their new burger and ask followers: What topping would you choose? People love to answer and tell their opinions.

This is how McDonald’s and KFC maintain a connection between themselves and their customers. In this way, people associate themselves with the brand, they think that the brand is too concerned about them and they keep coming.

·         Why This Works

Every single day, millions of people use social media platforms. Therefore, these brands keep their customers engaged with buzzy content. As a result, it gives your customers a harmonious feeling that you are just chatting with a buddy, not an organization.

3.    Displaying the Right Ads to Targeted Customers

And the other secret is showing ads to the right people. It does not randomly display the ads to just anyone, McDonalds and KFC are very cautious about whom they show their ads. Therefore, they track down the fast-food lovers. For instance, they target kids and teenagers from burger or fried chicken families with their ads. In this way, they are easily able to convert them into their customers.

How do these brands know what people like to eat and when? That’s the power of comprehensive search queries that they analyze through the search results. In this way, they spend on their ads to find the right audience and convert them. And if you are willing to learn a reliable SEO course, IOED is the place that you must prioritize. IOED helps you attain the tactful keys how KFC and MCD target the correct audience. Not only that, you will also learn how they show their ad at the perfect time to get more sales. You will learn the complete strategy of how a digital marketing agency tops the marketing criteria through exceptional skills.

·         Why This Works

You want to spend your ad budget on showing ads to people who will most likely order your food. It’s all about the right target audience; they reach more customers this way!

4.    Provide Offers and Deals

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Often, McDonalds and KFC try to lure more customers with some deals or discounts. We see advertisements like “Buy 1 and get another one absolutely free! or “Fries free with burger!” Such strategies are creating another level of scope of digital marketing in Pakistan. They are encouraging people to come to purchase food for any cost. Because they feel that their purchasing now has some advantages that no other business delivers.

These offers are shared on their websites, social media, and their apps. In this way, you may receive additional discounts and coupons if you download their app.

·         Why This Works

Who doesn’t love to save money or love free food? People tend to be happy with such free coupon’s things. Furthermore, discount codes and offers attract customers to come again for more food.

5.    Listening to Customers

Finally, the last secret is… McDonald’s and KFC just understand their audience very well! They listen keenly to compliments or complaints about their food. McDonalds or KFC would do anything to change their burger or meal if someone said that they simply didn’t like it. That’s how much of a strategy they use and prioritize their customers. It’s a thing that is increasing the scope of digital marketing course in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and other main cities of Pakistan.

These brands also have a customer ideas module. For instance, there is a simple question on social media: “What flavor should I add to my menu next?” So, they know what one might demand. In this way, they use it to keep their customers satisfied.

·         Why This Works:

Not to mention that, customers love to feel heard by companies. If a customer believes their view and perceptions are in the loop, this gives credit to your brand among others. Listen to Feedback. This is just one of the main reasons some people keep coming back to McDonald’s and KFC.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Bigger Brands

If you are curious, why do McDonalds and KFC, and other companies invest a lot in digital marketing? Well, it’s very simple. Because most of the people invest a lot of time in the online world these days. Therefore, they are always on their phones, computers and tablets, watching videos, reviewing social media sites, and checking websites.

The easiest and fastest way to get your message out there is digitally. McDonalds and KFC have another option: they don’t need to buy posters or TV ads but can purchase ad space on popular websites and social media platforms where the audience is huge.

Digital Marketing Secrets that Small Businesses should Use

If you are wondering that there are secrets that small businesses may apply to leverage their marketing strategies. Yes, they can! Even if a business is small, it can grow with the help of digital marketing secrets that these giants KFC and McDonalds use. Small businesses could create appealing ads, reach out on social media, or provide discounts— but listening to your customer’s requirement is key.

Apart from that, email marketing is not only for the giants such as McDonalds and KFC. These are simple strategies that anyone can use to build a successful business.


The digital world has entirely changed how marketing strategies used to evolve. It has helped giant entities such as McDonalds and KFC become some of the best food giants in the world. Through these 5 simple secrets, creating ads, talking to people and listening on social media, attracting the right target group of customers with promotional offer information, and creating a strong business profile. This can help you a lot making a huge impression in the digital world.

The coolest part is you don’t have to be a well-known organization by yourself. Any small business can expand and increase its customer base with these strategies. Now, when you see any ad from McDonalds or KFC, remember there is huge scope of digital marketing in Pakistan too. And you can leverage that to increase your business sales and revenues.

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