Top 3 Reasons Why Freelancers fail on Upwork

Top 3 Reasons Why Freelancers fail on Upwork

Posted on: 24/09/2024 ,


Freelancing these days have become one of the most essential tools for the gen Z. With the Covid-19, the rise of freelancers, remote experts, and entrepreneurs began. Before that, people never cared so much about the online platforms for jobs. But Covid-19 just didn’t bring a tragedy. However, it brought a lot of opportunities with itself. People started learning to work from home. This brought the necessity of freelancing courses. Saylani understanding the dire situation, started Pakistan freelancing training program to strengthen the youth. Apart from that, many other institutes introduced freelancing in Pakistan during that period. As a result, a spontaneous growth in online and remote working began!

And guess what? Many novices and even experts joined the freelancing courses to learn how to sell their skills online. Because it assisted them learn to earn just by staying at home. Furthermore, those who have already been selling their exclusive services online, they started Pakistan freelancing training program to help others. That’s where the rise of SEO course emerged. And it created awareness amongst the people of Pakistan to equip this unique skill to earn in the online market. Not only SEO, during that time, many new courses were introduced as well. Such as, Content Writing, Web Development, and Data Analytics Courses as well. And that’s how freelancing in Pakistan trained novice freelancers into seasoned pros.


The Birth of Freelancers through IT Institutes and Freelancing Courses 

During this, many new IT institutes rose to assist the youth of Pakistan and even helped them start making money online. With time to time, these institutes kept increasing and built a new industry where people of all the ages could learn a skill and start their career as freelancers. Some of the main institutes that are still assisting the people in Pakistan with freelancing courses are still making impacts. Such as, Saylani is building a huge number of IT engineers that are even transforming the global aura.

On the other hand, DigiSkills has also started its own Pakistan freelancing training program to transform the lives of Karachiites. However, the regional areas were still left in dark. Until IOED rose and created IT awareness in Mirpur Khas with multiple freelancing courses. Furthermore, even if you search for a reliable digital marketing course in Karachi, it will direct you to IOED website.


Best Freelancing Platforms and Why Freelancers Fail on Upwork?

Although we have a several freelancing platforms, but the most used ones that people use to earn are Fiverr and Upwork. Fiverr is usually for the small works and gigs play their roles. On the other hand, novices usually find it tough to play with Upwork’s game of freelancing. Although they learn a lot of Upwork freelancing courses. However, they still somehow fail in getting the jobs. We will discuss the main three reasons why novice freelancers fail to get the work at Upwork. Although, there are so many other platforms as well. However, we will mainly discuss Upwork in this blog. As nowadays, Upwork has grown to be the biggest marketplace in the virtual world.


1.    Lack of Proper Skill and Training

One of the topmost reasons, new freelancers usually lack the skill and performance that most of the clients require. They don’t have much experience with the work. Thus, they don’t get the work from the clients. But that’s not all we criticize here. Instead, we will allow you to learn to counter those hardships. Let’s learn, how you can counter it to get projects easily at Upwork.

How to Improve

·         Freelancing courses

Freelancing courses have made quite easier to do freelancing in Pakistan. Nowadays, you can just easily access to any course online. Learn it. And equip its skill to start your life as one of the best freelancers. In this way, you will learn everything about the skill you are going to sell online.

·         Online Training Sessions

Take as much as online sessions as possible. This will help you understand what something is going-on these days. What most of the clients are asking for themselves. And most importantly, what something is currently on the edge. In this way, you will be able to optimize your freelancing profile for a better audience that matches your skillset.

·         Read the profiles of Hot Freelancers

And if you are unable to still get the jobs at Upwork, you need to look after what you are missing. Sometimes, these hardcore freelancing courses or special Pakistan freelancing training program don’t help you. It’s your own journey to exploration that helps you learn how to stand out from the crowd. So, you need to track down some freelancers who are really hot on selling their services + they resonate your services too. In this way, you will learn what are the strategies that those freelancers are using. As a result, you will optimize your profile better.


2.    Poor Profile Quality

Your Upwork profile is the first thing that every client sees when they want to offer you a job. So, if you have nothing catchy and relevant there, they will just slip away from your grasp. Always remember, to become one of the best freelancers, you will have to be precise, clear, and engaging with what you write on your profile. And maybe no freelancing courses will guide you this trick. So, sit tight, and learn how it may help.

How to Improve?

·         Create a Strong Profile

First of all, you should know that the freelancing profile is your true face that client sees. So, you need to showcase yourself as one of the right freelancers who can do his task. Because every client reads about you, before partnering up for certain tasks. You have to clearly showcase, what you are, where you are from, what you do and how your skills make you a stand out amongst the crowd. Remember, no one is wiling to work with a person who can’t even introduce himself well. So, you have to be very clear about everything on your profile.

·         Write compelling proposals

Apart from that, you need to see the jobs section on Upwork. This has made quite easier to do freelancing in Pakistan as you can just find out the best match to your skill and submit him your proposal. But you don’t have to write a proposal just after you see a job post. However, you have to be very cautious while writing one. Firstly, you need to mention in the first line of who you are, and don’t start with, “My name is,” or “I am ABC,” this makes client lose the interest. Start your introduction with something catchy. Such as, “Outshine your competitors with right strategy”, or “your business might need a set of unique ideas to perform well in the market.” Remember, liners like that tend to attack more customers easily. Because who doesn’t want sales growth in their businesses?

Always remember, freelancing in Pakistan is very easy. All you need is to equip some grandiloquent courses that matches your skill and stay tuned with training and sessions. Sometimes, some rigorous online sessions become much of a bigger help. Let’s learn about the last thing that will make you sit amongst the top freelancers in Pakistan.


3.    Inconsistent Work Quality and Communication

If you want to make constant dollars, well the key is to stay consistent with your work. To achieve this, you need to provide your clients exciting offers and outclass performance in every project on Upwork. Furthermore, you have to bear in your mind that if you fail to meet the deadlines or couldn’t meet the expected requirements, they won’t come ever again to you. Which will make you nothing but align you amongst the worst freelancers who couldn’t do their jobs rightly. Here is how you can make a change:

How to Improve

·         Deliver High-quality Work

Whatever you do, always try you best to provide the excellent work that will make your client come again. You can also understand its importance as it is discussed in almost all the Pakistan freelancing training program. Because if your work is not good and doesn’t fit on the requirements, everything will just go down. Perhaps, you won’t even get the next job due to your unsatisfactory first job impressions.

·         Communicate Effectively

Communication is the key to success. All the top freelancers stay in touch with their clients 24/7. Therefore, no matter what you do, try to be in touch with your clients and keep them updated. In this way, you will be able to stay engaged with whatever you are doing. So, it won’t cause multiple revisions for you and even save the precious time of you both. Apart from that, good communication also build trust. The client understands that you are the only person he could count on. And thus, he starts providing you other of his work that he understands you could do efficiently.



In the nutshell, you have learned about the top three mistakes that fail to get you job online. To overcome this, there are multiple freelancing courses, sessions, trainings and a lot more. Freelancing in Pakistan has become quite easy. You can even connect yourself with multiple Pakistan freelancing training programs that will help you understand several things. In this way, you will be able to crack how to get freelance work in Pakistan by staying just at your home while dollar rains over your head (Chuckles). Although, it seems a joke. However, most of the hot freelancers have shared their credible career of freelancing in Pakistan. They discussed how they worked day and night and how it transformed their lives.

So, the most probable and tricky points are: get proper skill, maintain your profile credibly, and keep your communication smooth. That’s all to help you make your place amongst the top freelancers. All you need is to work on these, and your Upwork freelancing skills will leave no customer unturned.